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Category: Health and Wellness

Physical Therapy Treatment Feb10th 2024

Want To Know The Secret To Decreasing Pain And Increasing Energy?

You know how limiting pain can be if you live with it. Fortunately, you can reduce your discomfort while raising your energy levels by making simple lifestyle modifications. When you combine these exercises with your physical therapy treatments, you may help yourself heal from discomfort and achieve the physical goals you’ve set for yourself. Call

Improve health Fairfield, TX Dec20th 2023

Improve Your Health, Strength, and Physical Activity with These 4 Simple Tips!

It’s not always easy to be active. We’ve all been there – letting the dumbbells collect dust in the garage, throwing the yoga mat in the storage closet, constantly walking by the running shoes without a second glance. However, once you get in the habit of being habit, it becomes much easier. With these 4

Physical therapy Fairfield, TX Dec10th 2023

Get Ready To Toss Your Drugs In The Trash With Physical Therapy

As we all know, our country is dealing with an opioid crisis. Prescription medication addiction is expected to affect 11.5 million people in the United States. If this statistic scares you, it should – this is a severe problem. We shouldn’t take it lightly. This is a scary moment, but there is a way out.

Pre and Post Surgical Rehab Corsicana, TX Nov20th 2023

Absolutely Everything You Need To Know About Pre and Post Surgical Rehab

Are You Scheduling Surgery? Don’t Forget the Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Rehab Are you thinking about scheduling major surgery in the near future? If so, you may want to give serious thought to scheduling two other very important and crucial things: pre-operative rehab and post-operative rehab. Surgery may not be as much of a certainty in

Physical therapist Corsicana, TX Nov10th 2023

5 Reasons You’ll Benefit From Seeing a Physical Therapist

This demand for pain-management drugs has caused the opioid crisis we’re all too familiar with today. Opioids are both dangerous and addictive when taken for extended periods of time or in large amounts. Because of this, many Americans are understandably looking for safer pain relief alternatives. According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, approximately

Stretching exercise Corsicana, TX Oct20th 2023

9 Ways Stretching Can Improve Your Health and Wellness

Is stretching part of your daily life? If not, it should be. Stretching is a great way to start your day and it comes with a wide range of benefits. Don’t know where to start? Don’t fret! Our licensed physical therapists can help you create a stretching plan that will work best for you. To

Physical therapy Corsicana, TX Oct10th 2023

5 Holistic Ways To Quell Pain With Physical Therapy

If you live with chronic pain or pain lasting three months or longer, you are not alone. In fact, according to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, approximately 100 million Americans live with chronic pain. Unfortunately, that also means that the dependency on prescription medications is continuously growing. In 2013, doctors across the U.S. prescribed

Pre-hab therapy Corsicana, TX Sep20th 2023

Get Back to Your Daily Life Quicker with Pre-hab

It is common knowledge that post-surgical rehabilitation is necessary following almost any surgical procedure. This rehab is performed after surgery as a way to enhance the recovery process and help patients regain their mobility. But did you know you can also participate in rehab treatments before your surgery? Pre-surgical rehabilitation, commonly referred to as “pre-hab,”

Physical therapy Corsicana, TX Sep10th 2023

Are You Curious How Physical Therapy Can Improve Your Overall Wellness?

Everyone aspires to live a healthy, active, and powerful lifestyle – or they should, at least! However, this type of lifestyle is not always simple to maintain, particularly for people who suffer from chronic pain. Physical therapy, fortunately, is an excellent resource for relieving pain and achieving fitness goals. Give Lott Physical Therapy a call

Posture therapy Corsicana, TX Aug20th 2023

Is Your Posture Suffering? Physical Therapy Can Provide Improvements!

If you find yourself struggling to sit up straight on a daily basis, you most likely have an ongoing posture issue. It is common for back pain to develop as the result of poor posture. If your posture is not correct, it can cause stress on other parts of your body, resulting in pain, inflammation,